KCS Holders, Vote on KCC Now! — August 9th DEADLINE

2 min readAug 6, 2021


AMAZING NEWS! paprprintr has been selected by KuCoin as a finalist for the KCC sponsored grant program.

ABOUT paprprintr:

Team (doxxing soon!)

HashM — Very French. Lead Developer, Solidity Design & Dev, Marketing Strategy. If he’s not coding, he’s sleeping.
Lex — Even more French. Lead Marketing, Tokenomics, Overall Project Strategy. The man with the plan.
iamBlueDev — Pretty darn French. Lead Website Dev. Makes Ui Ux miracles occur.
iGuttenberg — Lives in France. Certified Solidity Dev. Tech buff.
JacksJucks — Very Russian. Idea maker and Improvement shaker. Applies the engineering design process to constantly improve the project overall.
Major Rawdawg — American. Advisor for Sales and Marketing strategy. Brings business experience to our DeFi world.

What makes our protocol unique?

  • Permapump/ Permaburn (innovating is fun, check our docs for more info)
  • Self demand ecosystem (vaults)
  • Real World use cases (paprjobs)
  • Crosschain peg token (Origami Bridge)
  • Making LP is easy (LAZR Printer)
  • 2+ months without PEG loss (we stand alone, proof of our tech’s durability)


SuperDupont needs you to vote !

If you HODL KCS, you can VOTE. Doesn’t cost you anything, but each KCS in your wallet is a vote you wield.

To vote, go here https://snapshot.org/#/kcc.eth/proposal/QmXv6xrpgqvMTnZQRHxajtz5TzPDs3nHxwi6oUZPsL54Rw
*You’ll have need to possess the KCS that grants you votes, prior to KCC’s snapshot.

So WHY Vote?

  • YOU get to choose what’s on KCC
  • Grant means FAIR LAUNCH on KCC
  • Making history, you’ll usher in the first algo stablecoin proven to WORK. (ape in now or cry later)
  • Make $PRNTR go BrrRRRrrr, analysis show our share token is greatly undervalued. With our mission to connect DeFi to the real world with use cases and new innovations (we can’t stop, just what we’re driven to do), this paprprintr is going to get big at some point. Your vote will make a HUGE impact in making this all come true. Cast your vote, get some PRNTR, maybe check out the latest Lambos…just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What’s next?

  • Paprjobs, which is going to be our very first use case for PAPR: Paprjobs is a DeFi Freelancing platform that will allow freelancers to get paid in DeFi assets. They’ll also be able to get paid extra bonus thanks to their farming at the end of the contract!
  • More yield optimizing vaults. Some of you have already tried them, and they’re definitely GREAT!
  • More real-life use-cases! (TOP SECRET)
  • And even maybe a new way to use vaults? (even more TOP SECRET)




First crosschain Algorithmic Stablecoin with elastic supply running on the BSC, Polygon. Website : paprprintr.finance